INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE - Movement and perception. The representation of the urban landscape as project driver

Dove e quando

2021-06-18 | Ensa Versailles, 5, avenue de Sceaux, 78000 Versailles, France

«How do the different forms of representation of an urban landscape, whether analytical (texts, images, diagrams) or artistic, translate the visual perception of systems in movement (space explored by moving through it, or space mutating under a fixed regard, both of which transmit an interior movement to the perceiving subject) and use it as a “primary resource” for the project?»

The conference questions the multiple means of transcribing the visual perception of urban space in drawings, diagrams, maps, figures, signs, or more generally in “percepts” (Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, 1991), but also in photography, in multimedia works, or in texts that contribute in sparking the first impulse of a project. The initial hypothesis is that representation, as a first level of interpretation, is a critical means of communication of the spatial experience around and within architecture, understood here as a “moving” presence, namely, an observed transformation.


Gabriele Pierluisi (Ensa Versailles); Maria Linda Falcidieno (dAD - Università degli Studi di Genova)

Ultimo aggiornamento 22 Dicembre 2020